Immersing the class in virtual reality is one of the best ways to instigate learning and to stimulate their interests. There have been a few pilot projects that included children having the ability to learn regular subjects with the help of virtual reality and the results have been phenomenal. Not only are students more engaged in the material that they have been working on, but they have put more effort into their assigned tasks. According to Benjamin Lloyd, a teacher at Highland Park Middle School, the students that have had the opportunity to learn using VR have even come to school early to engage in the technology and learning materials.
Having virtual reality classrooms is just one of the many ways that VR is going to revolutionize the way children learn and their level of interest in each of their subjects. It’s perfect for adapting to different learning styles and opens the door for group involvement and peer teaching, two of the best ways for students to learn regardless of if they are hands-on or textbook learners.